A Bit of Detail

We are fond of describing database use in complex environments and/or for complex requirements. What does this mean?

As an example, one of our applications is used in a scenario whereby users have worked with us to design application screens that often contain upwards of 100 objects (fields, data entry points, drop-down options, grids, menus etc). They also often want to have multiple screens open at once, which we achieve using multiple browser tabs, and each screen can be a different data view relating to the same object. We have been able to synchronise the multiple open screens (tabs), so that when the user changes the object that they are viewing in one screen, all their other open screens synchronise. This means that at any given moment, all screens all refer to the same object. This is an example of a complex requirement.

As another example, one of our deployments is used in a scenario where data also exists in an external, non-tangenit database system. We have deployed the tangenit application and configured interaction with the third-party database such that data from the external system is retrieved in search results in the tangenit application. This is an example of a complex environment.

We also respond well to change requests, for example if a new screen is requested by a customer. We can typically configure the system to provide the required functionality quickly.

Traditional database application development can also be used to meet complex requirements and complex environments, but tangenit can usually achieve objectives with less development overhead, thus resulting in faster deployment and/or change timescales.

Low Code / No Code offerings typically offer attractive up-front pricing and fast time to deployment, and work well for simple requirements. However, even where sophisticated screens can be built, these type of systems do not usually adapt to accommodate complex environments, and can often not be deployed on-premises.

tangenit therefore bridges these approaches by:

  • Resulting in a custom solution for each deployment.

  • Requiring less development overhead than traditionally developed, bespoke systems.

  • Being able to satisfy more complex requirements and to integrate and work in more complex environments than Low Code / No Code solutions.

Please contact us if you’d like more information.